End of Time

Whatever That Means?

Since we have no really good idea about the beginning of time, how can we think about the end of time?

Even the most articulate astrophysicists’ default to ‘a big bang’ as the beginning of time. But, what was the big bang? Bangs come from something, somewhere?

It turns out the definition of time really is not all that important, except as a system for measuring events in terms that are useful to humans for keeping track of things in a systematic way.

Then again, the question about time is — for whom and for what.

“How old are you?” is a normal question and the answer in most cases puts you in a group for and from which, for example, insurers always are interested in assessing risks associated with age.

Why should you care? If you are picking an astronaut for a 30 year-round trip, you probably should not pick a 60-year-old person instead of a 30-year-old?

Maybe time was always supposed to have different meanings for different situations, purposes and people?

For any one person, time effectively begins for that one person with birth and ends with death.

So, perhaps we should not try to generalize our understanding of time, but simply use it as a tool to manage both our individual and collective lives.

OK – then what does ‘the end of time’ mean? Since the beginning of time is shrouded in its own version of nothingness, it stands to reason that ‘the end of time’ is similarly obscure.

However, if ever our planet earth were to be devoured by a black hole, we could safely be able to say – if we still could still think – that must be the end of time.

TIME is just a simple notion designed by idiots and geniuses alike to keep track of the order of things and remind us that we may be keeping others waiting!

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