Earth’s Orbit

Seems to be jiggling?

The last few thousand years of the evolution of nature and humanity have been relatively smooth, with understanding among humans steadily increasing. 

Now suddenly we’ve switched to less and worse understanding. We do nothing but look for what we don’t like in others or, if we’re feeling generous, what we can get out of them. 

What could be happening? And what can we do about it? 

We know as a scientific fact that global warming is increasing and is likely to bring with it massive changes — some terrible, some merely bad, virtually no good — in man’s existence.  

We know that survival of the fittest is a bedrock truth of science that is especially hard on weaker or oppressed people. 

When humans are faced with large-scale reduction in population or resources, they tend to protect themselves by attacking their competitors. 

Hence, we are all complete for less and less. 

This process is insidious and has less to do with our wobbly orbit than our misuse of limited resources. 

Thus, perhaps for the first time since the beginning of human history, the world is facing a period of reduction — less than before, shared among ever more people. 

And, as when we are in a line at a store waiting to get mittens at the approach of winter and we can see the pile of mittens rapidly shrinking, we try to become creative in getting people to give up waiting in line! 

We have been accustomed to using our fellow man to get more for ourselves. 

Now we seem to be learning how get our fellow humans out of our way. 

And, though most of us probably deny this, we do it out of innate selfishness to enhance our own opportunity and security. 

Therefore, we should study in detail and illuminate the reality that the right solution is to be more creative overall, rather than seek to increase our share of a smaller pie. 

That is not an impossible goal if it seen as a productive AND realistic one! 

Protect All the People All the Time

And that includes from themselves…

“The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens.”

It’snot often that I quote Donald Trump – and I don’t believe I’ve previously done so approvingly. Those words above, spoken in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, highlight, as nothing else the man ever did, that the first and foremost duty of government is to protect ALL its people from all its enemies both foreign and domestic.

Every US person – like it or not, believe it or not—is threatened in some ways by the covid virus and its emerging variants.

The many arguments quibbling about that are pure nonsense.

The ONLY fully effective remedy to the covid virus is HERD immunity which requires over 75 percent of the population to become immune. Knowledge of that fact by itself should be enough incentive for enough of our whole population to voluntarily get vaccinated.

For many reasons that is not happening.

That being the case our government has THE ULTIMATE DUTY to pass a LAW requiring ALL the people in the USA to get vaccinated for the benefit of ALL.

The House and Senate should do just that IMMEDIATELY, requiring vaccination within 60 days or be subject to a year in jail and/or a fine of $10,000.

And, the President should forthwith instruct the Justice Department and any other relevant federal agencies to enforce the law immediately.

Let’s stop blabbering and start jabbing.